Friday, February 22, 2008

Look at them go!

Last Sunday Chico took the boys over to Mom & Dad's house to ride their motorcycles. This was the first time the boys rode their bikes by themselves after having them for almost a year now!! We gave them to them last year for their birthdays. Chico insisted they "needed" them. I think they were a little more of a gift for Daddy. :)

Anyhoo, Chico said they did really well. Mateo crashed a couple of times, but kept on trying. Jaxon had training wheels on his motorcycle, since he still rides his bicycle with training wheels. I wasn't feeling very well that day, so I wasn't there, but hopefully they'll do it again soon and I'll get to see them in person. Here's a few photos Chico managed to get.

Here's Mateo rounding the corner...
Jaxon said he rode his motorcycle "really fast"!
Here they come again. Looks like Mateo's going to lap Jaxon!

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